It’s the holiday season and many are on the hunt for the perfect gift. Since there are so many advertisements promoting what you should buy, we thought we’d take another direction. Here are the top five gifts you should not purchase for your wife or husband, unless they specifically asked for it. Even if they did ask for these things, purchase them a little something extra, just to be on the safe side.
What Not to Get Your Wife:
Vacuum Cleaner
Laser Hair Removal
Something He Really Wants (like a barbecue grill or a new video game)
Pots and Pans
Car Accessories
What Not To Get Your Husband:
Books on “Healing Your Emotional Self”
Exercise Balls
Acne Solution Kit
Teddy Bears
Something She Really Wants (like tickets to see Celine Dion in concert)
Whatever you decide to purchase for your spouse this holiday season, we urge you to get them something they would truly enjoy and appreciate. If you want to keep your marriage a happy one, avoid the following types of gift purchases:
The “All About Me” Gift, like the barbecue grill listed above.
The Obvious Regift, like that book that’s been sitting on the bookshelf for years.
The Statement Gift, where you’re trying to make a point to the recipient.
The “Well-Meant-Misfire” Gift, which is loaded with good intentions but is an obvious fail, like a life animal.
The Passive-Aggressive Gift, like an article of clothing that is too small for the recipient.
The Non Gift, like socks, cookware, & hair brushes.
If your spouse is deeply in love with his or her car, you might consider giving him or her a holiday gift certificate from Gary’s Auto Service in Florissant, MO. You can purchase a gift card of any amount from us. Just remember not to make the gift certificate the “main gift”, or you might end up in the dog house. Instead, give the ones you love a holiday gift certificate as a stocking stuffer only AFTER you’ve given them what they really want. :-)